


喜欢Time Prisoner的影迷们还喜欢看: 风云之十里洋场约会专家宝莱坞机器人2.0:重生归来亲爱的,看招天路十一组我是大赢家 2012帮帮龙出动之恐龙探险队第一季三八女王节十大老公坐庄II操盘手立春 In 2060, to tackle all sorts of supernatural crises, the Organization of Emergency Affairs selected elite special agents from all over the world to form the Bureau of Paranormal Defense. The Bureau pulled out the best agents from the pool of agents to create an ace squad -- the Phantom Squad. In a mission to retrieve a treasure three years ago, Captain Hao Yuan was too trusting and led the Phantom Squad into an ambush laid by Darrick's squad. Almost all of the squad members were killed. Even Hao Yuan himself fell off the cliff after being sabotaged by Derrick. However, he accidentally absorbed the target treasure, the Stone of Immortality, into his body. Not only did it bring him back to life, but it also granted him the ability to control time, which he could use to pause and even reverse time. From then on, Hao Yuan began his life on the run. As he did not wish to face the past, he remained anonymous and led a simple life, protecting Gu Xiao Xi, the sister of his a fallen squadmate. However, fate seems to have other plans. A blue virus appeared in Y City. Blue veins would surface on the victim's skin, then spread all over the body little by little, finally claiming their lives. Gu Xiao Xi was also infected. To find a cure for the blue virus and save Gu Xiao Xi, Hao Yuan returned to the Bureau of Paranormal Defense. He and the sexy and capable agent Xia Rou, the quirky genius Loli Tong Xiaoxiao, and the capable gangster-cum-chuunibyou Zhan Peng come together to form another Phantom Squad. And so their legendary story begins.所有影视均可以手机在线免费观看,您点击《Time Prisoner》就可以打开播放了。中国Time Prisoner越来越成熟了,虽说是动漫但是居然有点催泪效果可能戳中泪点,简洁的剧情余韵无穷美好的东西总是最简单个人认为可以看看我给7.6分
